Never Get Between Mgazi and her Dinner

This is what Mgazi looks like if you touch her meat.

This is what Mgazi looks like if you touch her meat.

Today, we were in a chicken restaurant in Southern Africa. I was the only non-African in the place. I ordered Mgazi a children’s chicken plate and did what I would do with Zaffron: I took her drumstick from her plate to cut a chunk off, to make it easier for her.

She reacted immediately and loudly, semi-shrieking, “BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH! BLAH BLAH BLAH!”

This was all very fast in a high, squeaky voice. I started to laugh a bit uncomfortably because I didn’t know what the words meant; she wasn’t shrieking in English. It was, however, very clear that she was not happy with what I was doing. And everyone in the restaurant was looking at me – I could feel my face getting hot.

Pastor was with me. He was laughing too. At me. He told me what Mgazi was yelling.


I Smell Like What?

Yesterday was the first day in many months where I didn’t wake up dreading my day. In fact, I was very pleasantly nuzzled awake by my adorable daughter, Zaffron. She gently slipped herself under the bed covers, snuggled her body into mine and cooed and clucked little noises that reminded me of when she was a baby. The last few months have been difficult and I was immediately grateful for this precious little bit of love. That is, until she said,

“Mommy, you smell terrible. You smell like hot chicken.”

Glass of white wineRecommended wine: When I think “hot,” I think of the beach. When I think “chicken,” I think Sauvignon Blanc. So, today I recommend The Beach House White. It’s from South Africa. It’s actually 80% Sauvignon Blanc and 20% Semillon which is fun, and it’s wickedly inexpensive.