Where is Super Nanny When You Need Her?

Mgazi is in bed. She’s been there for 30 minutes and she’s still not sleeping. 

Mgazi: Mommy!

I don’t answer.


Me: Yes, Gaz?
 (Damn! I did it again. I gave in. Super Nanny says you should never answer them when they are calling to you from bed.)

Mgazi: Can you come?

Me: No, I’ll check on you later. (What the heck, Kris. Stop answering her. Remember your Super Nanny!)

Mgazi: But Mommy, I’m going to forget what I’m saying!

Silence from the bedroom for about 20 minutes, then…

Mgazi: Mommy! …. MOMMY! …. Awww, I already forgot what I said!

More Complaints from Bed

The girls in our backyard on November 27, 2009

The girls in our backyard on November 27, 2009

Last night, after being put to bed, Zaffron started calling out to me from the bed. A total no-no in our house. Or at least that’s what Russell and I try to communicate. Our request that they not yell from bed is often ignored with glorious abandon by both of the children.

“Mom! MO-OM! I can’t sleep in the top bunk. I need to sleep with Lu in the bottom bunk.”

I don’t answer. It never pays to answer.

“MO-OM… I can’t sleep! Can I move to the bottom bu–u-unk?”

I resist the urge to yell back that there should be no yelling from bed.  I hear Zaffy take a deep breath, about to call out again, when Luyanda interrupts her with her very first imitation of me:

“No honey, not today.”

Bedtime Excuses

Zaffron has begun giving reasons why it isn’t time to go to

Zaffy's hair is actually soft and curly.

Zaffy's hair is actually soft and curly.

sleep at night. The other night, I tucked her in and was holding her hand when she said, “Ow, yesterday I bumped my elbow. I need ice.”

“No, Zaff. You don’t need ice. Go to sleep.”

“But I have a headache.. I need medicine. My stomach hurts.”

“No medicine. Close your eyes.”

“Mommy, I need a drink of water… just a little one.”

“Zaffron.” (My warning tone.)

She turned over and snuggled in. A couple of seconds went by when suddenly, she started patting her head. “Mommy,” she said, “My hair is rough.” She sat up in bed. “It’s too rough to go to sleep!!”