I’m a Shoddy Class Parent

It worked out in the end. Each student brought a flower with a handwritten note thanking their teacher. (I can't take credit. Same mom who told me about Teacher Appreciation Week also came up with the idea.)

Russell and I went to Zaffron’s Swim Show-Off today. It’s basically a chance for the parents to gather under the hot sun at the school’s pool and ooh, aah, and sweat while our children dazzle us with their ability to avoid drowning.

A fellow first-grade mom approached me and said, “So, Teacher Appreciation Week starts on Monday. Today is Friday.”

“Does it? I’ve never heard of it.” I was distracted trying to extract my sunglasses from the tangle of objects in my purse. “Do you think we should do something?”

She stared at me for a long second before saying, “Well, usually the Class Parent arranges for something and informs the rest of us.”

I stared back at her until comprehension finally paid me a visit.

“Class Parent? Oh! That’s me!”

Whatchya thinkin stinkin?

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